Full Name: |
Sarah Mei Chang |
Ethnicity: |
Chinese American |
Age: |
18 |
Occupation: |
Grocery Store Employee |
Strength: |
Martial Arts |
Weapon: |
Bo Staff |
Sarah Mei Chang was born in New York City. Sarah developed a love for martial arts TV shows at a young age and often would be found play-acting fight scenes for fun. Then, tragedy struck at the tender age of eight when both her parents were murdered. Sarah was sent to study at a Buddhist temple where she would learn about the doctrine of impermanence and martial arts. Sarah reads her favorite book, "The Story of Xiaoying" for inspiration and plays her zither when she wants to relax. She's close to her best friend, Allen who defended her when she was being bullied in the temple and they have remained friends ever since. The traumatic experience of witnessing her parents' murder, the experience of being bullied, and having to defend her grandmother Fang and co-worker Brenda against thugs, Sarah has come to believe in justice for all. |
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